
Australia’s Leading Resources for Sellers and Buyers

Our regular Market Updates reach thousands of accountants, bookkeepers and financial planners nationally.

They contain:

  • All our practices for sale, including those hot off the press
  • The latest market trends impacting sellers and buyers
  • Practical tips for a successful sale or acquisition 

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Unpacking The Who, What and Why in Thirty Recent Practice Sales

Last week we released our latest six monthly Market Data and Insights including trends in selling prices, levels of buyer activity, retention terms and how long sales are taking.

As with previous years, we are now taking a closer look at the profile of the thirty recent practice sales that underpin this Market Data...


Latest Market Data - Demand for Accounting Practices Remains Strong

DMY's latest six-monthly release of Market Data and Insights is below. Our data set includes thirty recent practice sales# going back to April 2023 as well as the key trends from our last six Market Data releases going back to 2021. There are no shortage of competing opinions when it comes to the price a practice can fetch...


Knowing When The Right Time To Sell

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” It’s a common question asked of children. What many don’t realise is that this question still plagues a lot of adults. It’s also something DMY notices can weigh heavily on practice owners when it comes time to let go and sell their practice...

DMY Interview in Accountants Daily on Market for Buyers & Sellers

DMY's Director and Co-Owner Mark Emney was interviewed recently for Accountants Daily on the state of the market for selling accounting and bookkeeping practices. He discusses DMY's latest market data and what's driving the current trend of rising selling prices and faster sales...


Thirty Recent Practice Sales - The Who, What and Why

We take a closer look at thirty recent practice sales. This is a valuable read to build your detailed understanding of practices  - and practice owners - that have  been coming to market over the last year...


Market Data - October 2023 - Higher Selling Prices and Faster Sales

DMY's latest six-monthly release of Market Data is now available. It contains data and insights from thirty recent practice sales and includes for the first time data on how long practice sales are taking...


Options For Vendors Post Sale - What You Need To Know

When it comes to selling your practice, there are numerous options available in terms of your own role beyond the sale. Let's take a look...

Retention - What You Need To Know

Retention is a key part of any practice sale or purchase. Whether you are a seller or a buyer, being aware of all the key elements of retention will set you up for a successful sale outcome...


Get Yourself Sale Ready

Practice owners looking to sell often ask: What do I need to do to get ready for sale? In this article we share our top tips to get yourself ready for a successful sale. The starting point is always: what is your “why”?...


The 8 Essential Rules When BUYING A Practice

With an average of 76 interested buyers for every metro practice for sale, there are 75 buyers missing out every time. Here are our 8 Essential Rules for successfully navigating the buying process...


The 8 Essential Rules When SELLING Your Practice

DMY has sold over nearly 50 practices over the last two years. Here are our 8 Essential Rules for successfully navigating the selling or merging process and setting yourself up for a successful outcome...

The Rise and Rise of The Seller's Market

Everyone talks about a "seller's market" for accounting practices. What does this really look like? DMY has analysed the level of buyer activity, selling prices and retention levels for twenty recent listings. Here is the compelling proof of the rise and rise of the seller's market...


Five Key Questions To Ask A Broker Before You Engage Them To Sell Your Practice

Selling your practice is a big decision. And engaging the right expert to support you will increase your likelihood of a successful sale. How to you choose the right broker though? Here are five key questions to ask a broker before you decide whether to engage them...


Profile of a Seller: Who is Selling Their Accounting Practice - And Why (Market Data)

Last month (April 2023) we released our latest six monthly Market Data to reveal current buyer activity and selling prices. This month we are taking a closer look at the profile of practice owners...

Market Data - April 2023

Our latest Market Data release reveals that, buyer numbers and selling prices remain healthy with 110 cents being the new "dollar in the dollar" ...


Market Data - October 2022

Check out our latest release of Market Data below including buying numbers, selling prices and retention terms...

Understanding Buyer Numbers Through Each Stage of Selling a Practice

I am looking to sell - How many buyers are out there? How many will I need to meet?

I am looking to buy - What’s the level of competition? Does it vary by fee size?

For the first time we have completed a deep dive into buyer activity on individual deals through each stage of the deal process...

Why Use A Broker To Sell Your Practice, And How To Choose the Right One

Selling your practice is a big decision. It can be tempting to sell direct to a buyer who has emailed you direct but engaging the right expert to support you can make or break a successful sale and exit. Here are our insights to help you guide you towards the right decision...


Reflections of a Seller 18 Months Later

We interview a former client of DMY, whose practice sold in late 2020. If you are thinking of  selling this is one of the best five minute investments you could make, to hear from someone who has gone through your journey and is out the other side. Read, and enjoy!...


Market Data - April 2022

Includes selling prices and buyer numbers from twenty recent transactions. Invaluable for sellers and buyers wanting to stay up to date with the latest insights...

Dealing with Anxiety Through the Sale Process

Anxiety in practice owners over the sale of their practices is common. Understanding when it typically occurs, and how to best manage it, can lead to a less stressful experience and better outcome...

One Partner Firms - What Are My Options?

When it comes to selling and exiting, the good news is that there are probably more options than you think. Let's dive in...

Two Partner Firms - You CAN Both Get What You Want

We see an increasing number of two partner firms where one partner wants to sell and exit, while the other wants to carry on. This is often seen as a situation that will lead to a win-lose, but in fact it is very solvable, and there are a number of good options available to ensure both partners get what they want...



Why Use a Broker to Sell Your Practice, and How to Choose the Right One

Engaging the right expert to support you can make or break a successful sale and exit. Here are our top tips to help you guide you towards the right decision...


How Long to Sell My Practice?

We often get asked for would-be sellers how long it will take. And we always answer: "It all depends..."  Here are the typical scenarios that we see...