
Australia’s Leading Market Updates for Sellers and Buyers

Our Market Update goes out every fortnight (sometimes more frequently) and reaches thousands of accountants, bookkeepers and financial planners nationally. It contains:

  • All our listings, including those hot off the press
  • The latest market trends impacting sellers and buyers
  • Practical tips to profitably grow your business and build long term value

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New Listing, Reminder Market Data

Welcome to this week's Market Update where we are delighted to introduce a new Queensland practice for sale:

Darling Downs Region Queensland - Accounting Practice $215,000 Fees (ID#118)...

More New Market Data Released, Two New Listings

Welcome to this week's Market Update which is a big one! Last week we shared our latest six-monthly release of Market Data and Insights including selling prices, levels of buyers interest, retention terms and time to sell for thirty recent practice sales as well as key trends going back to 2021. ...


New Market Data Released Including Selling Prices For Thirty Recent Sales

Welcome to this week's Market Update where we are delighted to share our latest six-monthly release of Market Data and Insights. This includes selling prices, levels of buyers interest, retention terms and time to sell for thirty recent practice sales (since April 2023), as well as key trends going back to 2021...


New Accounting Practice For Sale

Welcome to this week's Market Update. We are delighted to introduce another great Queensland accounting practice for sale. If it looks like a good it, register your interest via the website link below:

Queensland Wide Bay Region - Accounting Practice $750,000 Fees (ID#281)...

$2m+ SMSF Administration and Bookkeeping Practices For Sale

Welcome to this week's Market Update. We are delighted to introduce two terrific new businesses: a rare opportunity to merge with a $2m+ SMSF Administration business and, separately, a $750,000 bookkeeping practice for sale. If either looks like a good fit, register your interest via the website links below:

Leading SMSF Administration Business $2+million income (ID#300)...

New Listing, Dealing with Anxiety Through the Sale Process

Welcome to this week's Market Update.

This week we are delighted to introduce a Hobart practice for sale. If it looks like a good fit, register your interest via the website link below:

Hobart, Tasmania - Accounting Practice $1,200,000 Fees (ID#302)...


New Listing

Welcome to this week's Market Update brought to you from the beautiful Victorian town of Bright. We hope you were able to enjoy a break over Easter with time to rest and recharge. April is a busy time for many and it's a short week so we will keep this brief. 

This week we are delighted to introduce a regional New South Wales practice within easy reach of Queensland's Gold Coast for partial sale or merger...


New Listing, Regional Practices Moving Quickly

With Easter fast approaching and many of us hitting the roads tomorrow to make the most of the break we decided to release this week's Market Update a day early. Post Easter it will be back in its usual Thursday slot.

This week we are delighted to introduce a terrific Sydney accounting practice for sale...

New Listing, 8 Essential Rules When BUYING A Practice

Welcome to this week's Market Update.

Last week we shared our article on Eight Essential Rules When Selling Your Practice. This week we turn to the buy side with Eight Essential Rules When BUYING A Practice. It's a valuable five minute read to help buyers navigate through the acquisition process and set yourself up for a successful outcome...

New Listing, 8 Essential Rules When Selling Your Practice

Welcome to this week's Market Update.

We kick off with our Eight Essential Rules When Selling Your Practice. It's a valuable five minute read to help sellers navigate through the sale process and set yourself up for a successful outcome....


Two New Listings, Attracting and Retaining Great People

Welcome to this week's Market Update where we introduce two more new practices for sale in Victoria and Queensland.

Melbourne South-Eastern - Accounting Practice $690,000 Fees (ID#283)...


New Listing, Buyer and Seller Meetings

Welcome to this week's Market Update. We are delighted to bring another new practice to market for sale, this time in Melbourne's Outer South-East:

Melbourne Outer South-East - Accounting Practice $617,000 Fees (ID#276)...

Another New Listing, When is the Right Time to Sell?, Visiting Sydney and Adelaide

Welcome to this week's Market Update. To kick off, we are tackling a BIG question: When is the right time to sell?

It's a question we see weigh heavily on many practice owners when it comes time to let go and sell their practice...

New Listing

Welcome to this week's Market Update and a happy Australia Day for tomorrow. We are delighted to bring another new practice to market for sale this week:

South West Regional Victoria

1 Principal Accounting Practice South West Regional Victoria, $1,250,000 In fees (ID#298)...


Two New Listings Plus Lifestyle Acquisition Opportunities

Welcome to this week's Market Update. For those of you back at work since early January, Christmas may seem a long time ago and it certainly feels like the market for buying and selling practices is already abuzz. We have been sharing with you the strong pipeline of practices that DMY will be bringing to market over the coming months...


Welcome to 2024, Change Your Life with One of These Lifestyle Acquistion Opportunities

Welcome to our first Market Update for 2024.

Many of you are no doubt still enjoying the summer break although based on the level of enquiries this past week there are many already back at work and putting their plans in place for a successful year ahead...

Farewell 2023

This is our last Market Update for 2023.

December is always a busy period for practice sales and this year has been no exception. Practice owners, who are thinking of selling, are getting ready to kick off a sale in early 2024 while practice owners who are already in the sale process are working hard to get Heads of Agreements signed or final Contracts of Sale executed...

Reminder New Listing, Brisbane North, Selling in 2024, Bookkeeping Summit

Welcome to this week's Market Update. The good news is that summer starts tomorrow (although if you live in Melbourne you wouldn't think so). The bad news is that, if you are like me, there are only four weeks left until Christmas and a hundred things still to get done in a short space of time...


More New Market Data and Another New Practice for Sale

Welcome to this week's Market Update where we are delighted to introduce a new practice to market . This integrated accounting and financial planning practice is attractively located in the outer suburbs of south east Melbourne and will be sure to attract strong interest:

  • 2 Principal Accounting and Financial Planning Practice, Melbourne Outer South-Eastern Suburbs $740,000 Accounting and $270,000 FP fees (ID#240)...


Latest Market Data - Higher Selling Prices and Faster Sales

Welcome to this week's Market Update where we are delighted to reveal our latest six-monthly release of Market Data.

As promised, this release contains more data and insight than ever before and re-inforces our commitment to be the leaders in selling accounting and bookkeeping practices across Australia...

Regional Opportunities, Merging to Fuel Your Next Wave of Growth

Welcome to this week's Market Update where we have another new accounting practice for sale, this time in Regional South Australia.

  • 2 Principal Accounting Practice, South Australia Regional $1,100,000 in fees (ID$285)

This long-established practice has stable fees and a loyal and diverse client base of primarily...

Another New Practice for Sale, Practice Sales Progress

Welcome to this week's Market Update.

We've said before that the last quarter of the year is typically a busy time for new listings and we have another great new opportunity to introduce to the market, this time in New South Wales. Two Principals, aged in their forties, are looking to sell a one third share of their practice and bring in an additional Principal to balance their workload and help fuel the next wave of growth...


Another New Practice for Sale, Get Started Before Christmas

Welcome to this week's Market Update.

The last quarter is typically a busy time for new listings. We introduced three great new practices for sale in our last Market Update and this week we have another, this time based in Melbourne:

  • Accounting Melbourne North Eastern $450,000 in fees (ID#237)


Three New Practice for Sale, Creating Your Ideal Role Post Sale

Welcome to this week's Market Update.

We are delighted to share another three great new listings that we are bringing to market this week in Victoria, Western Australia and Queensland:

  • Accounting Melbourne Outer South East $,1,600,000 in fees (ID#48)
  • SMSF Administration Business, Western Australia $712,000 in fees (ID#278)
  • Bookkeeping Brisbane $152,000 in fees (ID#279)...

content not ready.

Retention - What You Need to Know, Reminder New Practice for Sale

Welcome to this week's Market Update. Firstly, as a reminder, we have listed three great practices earlier this month:

  • Bookkeeping Melbourne Inner East 632,000 fees (ID#273)
  • Accounting and Bookkeeping Melbourne South-East $1,163,000 fees (ID#257)
  • SMSF Audit Brisbane $302,000 fees (ID#269)

Another Bookkeeping Practice For Sale, Get Yourself Sale Ready

Welcome to this week's Market Update. For the fourth consecutive week we are bringing a practice to market. This time it is a high quality Melbourne bookkeeping firm:

  • 1 Principal firm, Melbourne Inner East $632,000 in fees (ID#273)...


New Accounting / Bookkeeping Practice For Sale, Lifestyle Change Opportunities

Welcome to this week's Market Update. We appreciate how busy Practice Owners are (when are they ever not?) so we will keep it brief.

Firstly, we have another great new listing to bring to market:

  • 2 Partner firm, Melbourne South-East $1,163,000 in fees (ID#257)...


Another New Listing, Selling by Christmas

Welcome to this week's Market Update where we are delighted to introduce another speciality audit practice based in Brisbane that we are listing for sale:

  • 1 Principal firm, Brisbane $302,000 in fees (ID#269)...

New Listing, Practices Selling in <90 Days

Welcome to this week's Market Update where we are delighted to introduce a great new practice that we are listing for sale:

  • 2 Partner firm, Perth $835,000 in fees (ID#271)...

Reminder - New Listing, DMY Insights in Financial Review

Welcome to this week's Market Update, the first for FY24. Firstly a reminder that we listed a terrific 1 Principal firm, South East Queensland $850,000 in fees (ID#157) in our last Market Update. It may have been missed by some in the hectic run-up to 30 June...


New Listing, Selling by Xmas

Welcome to this week's Market Update, the last for FY23. We would not normally send out an update so close to the end of the financial year, but we have a terrific practice coming to market for sale this week:

  • $850,000 one Principal practice in South East Queensland


8 Essential Rules for Buyers and Sellers, Progress for Seven Clients (Sellers) in Last Three Weeks

Welcome to this week's Market Update. It continues to be a very busy time for practice owners in the run up to 30 June, but also a time when there is typically a lot happening in the market for buying and selling practices...

Five Key Questions to Ask A Business Broker When Selling Your Practice.

Welcome to this week's Market Update. Now is the time of year when we start to see an increase in enquiries from practice owners looking to sell with their goal to have a sale wrapped up by Christmas...

New Market Data on Who Is Selling, Win a $250 Wine or Spa Voucher

Welcome to this week's Market Update. It has been a hectic month (no change there!) for many practice owners with 15 May deadlines to contend with. We hope people are now seeing light at the end of the tunnel.
This week we are releasing new Market Data for the first time relating to who is selling, what they are selling, and why...


New Market Data: 110 Cents is the New "Dollar in the Dollar"

Welcome to this week's Market Update where we are delighted to share our latest Market Data relating to our twenty most recent practice sales. The key insights are:

  • Metro practices are selling for an average of 110 cents in the dollar. Significantly, fourteen of the seventeen metro practices sold for more than 100 cents in the dollar...


Three New Listings

Welcome to this week's Market Update where we are delighted to showcase three great new practices for sale:

  • Sydney Accounting Practice with c. $860,000 fees
  • Melbourne Accounting Practice with c.$560,000 fees
  • Melbourne Boutique Bookkeeping Practice with just 45 clients and c.$372,000 fees...

New Listing, Visiting Sydney and Brisbane

Welcome to this week's Market Update. We are delighted to be listing another practice for sale this week:

  • One Principal firm with c.$1,350,000 fees in Regional Victorian City...

New Listing, New Market Data Coming

Welcome to this week's Market Update. We are delighted to be listing another new Queensland practice for sale this week:

  • Two Principal firm with c.$1,000,000 fees in Melbourne's Eastern Suburbs...


New Listing, Dealing with Anxiety When Selling

Welcome to this week's Market Update. We are delighted to be listing another new Queensland practice for sale this week:

  • One Partner firm with c.$930,000 fees in a Queensland Regional City...


Reminder New Listings, Client Progress & Rediscovering WA

Welcome to this week's Market Update. As a quick reminder we listed two new practices a fortnight ago:

  • Three Partner firm, Gippsland Victoria $1,850,000 in fees (ID#208)
  • 1 Principal firm, Mornington Peninsula $1,000,000 in fees (ID#98)...

Another Two New Listings, Reflections of a Seller

Welcome to this week's Market Update. Similar to last week, we are delighted to bring yet another two new practices to market for sale this week:

  • Accounting practice, $1.85 million fees, Gippsland, Victoria
  • Bookkeeping practice, $1 million fees, Mornington Peninsula, Victoria...

Two More New Listings, A Tip for Buyers

We are delighted to bring another two new practices to market for sale this week:

  • Accounting practice, $1.2 million fees, South Melbourne
  • Accounting practice, $675,000 fees, Brisbane South...


Three New Listings, Client Successes

We are delighted to bring three new practices to market for sale this week: 

  • Integrated accounting & financial planning practice, $1.25 million fees, inner North Melbourne
  • Accounting practice, $630,000 fees, Melbourne's inner south east suburbs...


All Systems Go For 2023!

Welcome to our first Market Update for 2023. We hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year break. The pace of life never seems to get any slower and we took advantage of some well-earned time off but are now back re-energised...








Farewell 2022 in A Race to the Line

Welcome to our last Market Update for 2022. Like many of you, it feels like 2022 has been a big year... and a long one. A Buyer said to me (Mark) this morning that it feels like a couple of extra months have been sneaked into 2022...



Good News x2 If You Are a Serious Buyer in Brisbane

This week we are delighted to bring two high quality practices to market, both in Brisbane:
A two Partner firm with $2.8 million in fees looking to merge, and a sole Principal $1 million+ practice where the owner is looking to retire... . 



New Listing, Latest Market Data Revealed

This week we are bringing what should be our last new practice to market this side of Christmas:

  • An Inner Melbourne Suburb Accounting Practice with c. $430,000 in fees where the sole Principal, aged 62, is looking to retire...


New Melbourne Listing, Smart Buyers Creating An Edge

A new boutique listing in Melbourne with a high quality accounting and financial planning client base will be sure to attract strong interest. We will also share how two buyers have given themselves an edge recently to beat the competition...


New Buyer Data, Tree Change Opportunity and Client Progress

We dive deep into levels of buyer activity on specific deals for the first time, highlight a positive lifestyle opportunity in Regional Victoria and report on lots of positive momentum for client all across the country...



New Townsville Listing, Deals Update

This week we are bringing another boutique accounting practice to market: Townsville Accounting Practice with c.$275,000 in fees. The details are below under JUST LISTED. This is a very straightforward tuck-in for the right purchaser so, if this looks like a good fit for you, don’t delay in registering your interest via its website listing...



Another New Listing, Market Data

We are delighted to bring another practice to market this week:

  • Brisbane South Bookkeeping Practice with c.$204,000 in fees.

The details are below under JUST LISTED. If this looks like a good fit for you, don’t delay in registering your interest via its website listing...


Sixth New Listing in Four Weeks

For the 4th week running, we are delighted to bring another established and good-quality accounting practice to market this week: Gold Coast Accounting Practice with c.$530,000 in fees...


Another Two New Listings

This week we are delighted to bring another two quality practices to market: Parramatta Business Advisory and Accounting Practice with c. $1.25 million in fees and 50% of a Kangaroo Island Accounting Practice with c. $410,000 in fees...



Another New Listing, Reminder re Sydney & Regional Vic Listings

We are seeing continued signs of a pick up in selling activity with over ten clients all across Australia signed up to sell their practices and getting ready to go to market....



Two New Listings, Former Owners to Mentor Sellers

This week we are delighted to bring two high quality practices to market: A North West Sydney Accounting and Bookkeeping Practice with c. $900,000....


Meet DMY's New Client Mentor, Reminder - $750,000 Sydney Listing

This week we are delighted to launch our Client Mentor Initiative as we seek more ways to add value to our clients, owners of accounting practices who are looking to sell...


New $750,000 Sydney Listing, Why Not To Sell Direct

Sydney has been a quiet market over the last 12 months which is unsurprising given the severe COVID disruptions...




$400k Audit Practice Re-Listed, Reminder New $1.3 Million Listing

This week we are re-listing a high quality specialist audit practice based in Brisbane. They are looking for a similar specialist audit firm with a strong cultural fit...



A New $1.3 Million Listing, Great Progress for Clients

Outstanding Victorian Regional practice listed for sale & strong progress for a number of clients... 




New $700,000 Listing plus Tree Change Opportunity

The Brisbane seller market is hotting up with our third new listing in a month... 




New $1.6 Million Listing

High quality Brisbane practice comes to market, plus we are visiting Sydney, Brisbane and the Gold Coast this month...



New $260,000 Listing, Interview with a Seller

Another new listing in Brisbane, plus our interview with a seller 18 months on. The best five minutes if you are thinking of selling...



New $1.5m Listing, Progress on Sales

High quality Melbourne practice comes to market, plus DMY at CPA's 2022 Public Practice Retreat in Lorne...




Latest Market Data including Selling Prices & Buyer Numbers

For anyone looking to better understand the market across Australia, DMY's latest market data release is a must read...



New Listing in Adelaide, Latest Market Data Release

$425,000 Port Adelaide practice comes to market this week...



New Listing in Geelong, Another Clients Say About Us

A $550,000 practice comes to market, plus read what our clients say about us...


Reminder - New Listing, Dealing with Anxiety During A Sale

Over 50 leads already for last week's new listing, plus learning to manage anxiety through the sales process...


Another New Listing and Sydney Update

Another new accounting practice coming to market ... plus insights on the Sydney market...

One New Listing and Four Successful Client Outcomes

Clients successfully completing trips to Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast and Adelaide over the coming month...  



Reminder - Four New Listings

Check out our four new listings important update for interested buyers.


Four New Listings, Delivering Results For Our Clients

New practices for sale in Victoria, Queensland and, for the first time, Tasmania... plus 76 interested buyers for every metropolitan practice for sale in 2021...








Farewell to 2021 

Reflections on 2021, and looking ahead to 2022...


Reminder New Listing, Another Client Settles

It's the race to the line that is the end of the year, so we will keep this week's newsletter brief.




Another New Listing, Three Clients Settle Yesterday

The first day of summer is always a day to look forward to. For DMY, yesterday was particularly special with three clients settling the sales of their practices.




New Listing

It's great to be back in Sydney this week for our first trip since travel restrictions eased. We are just finishing up a busy three days of meetings with practice owners looking to sell, and a much overdue celebration with a two partner firm...




Options for One and Two Partner Firms Looking to Sell

The uptake in interest over the last few weeks from practice owners looking to sell continues. This week alone we have been appointed by three practice owners to sell their firms - two in Victoria and one in Queensland...




Reminder - New Sales Listing, How Long to Sell?

A quick reminder - we brought another new listing to market last week: A Melbourne West practice with c. $700,000 fees. This one Principal practice has a strong local reputation, stable fees, a healthy level of profit...




New Sales Listing, How to Choose The Right Broker, Sold!

We are delighted to bring another new listing to market this week: A Melbourne West practice with c. $700,000 fees. This one Principal practice has a strong local reputation, stable fees, a healthy level of profit and an attractive...




DMY Partners with NAB on Accounting Industry Survey, Top Tips for Buyers

With an average of 76 interested buyers competing for every practice for sale in a metropolitan location, it's a tough market if you are looking to acquire.




The Rise and Rise of The Seller's Market

Last week we shared data from twenty of our recent listings including numbers of buyers and average selling prices.




Metro Practice For Sale Attract 76 Buyers, Sell For 110 Cents in the $

There continues to be strong interest from firms looking to buy, and good progress made by our selling clients. 





Brand New Listing - $540,000 fees, What Clients Say About DMY

We are delighted to bring another new listing to market this week - an established one Principal Practice with c. $540,000 of fees located in Queensland South East (Northern fringe).




Strong Buyer Interest Continues, $1.25m Practice Sold

With a large chunk of the population still in lockdown and “tax season” upon many practices, it remains a busy time with owners juggling on multiple fronts...

Another New Listing - $555,000 Practice for Sale

We have decided to sneak in an extra newsletter this week instead of our usual fortnightly rhythm as we have another new listing - a high quality one Principal practice in the inner…

New Listing - $1m Practice for Sale

Owners of accounting firms continue to be extremely busy. Lockdowns continue to impact many parts of the country. DMY continues to bring quality accounting practices to the market for…

Lots of Activity Despite Multiple Lockdowns

With Victoria, NSW and large parts of Queensland under lockdown it continues to be a challenging time for many, but that hasn’t stopped continued good progress for a number of our clients…

5th Brand New Listing in 7 Weeks, more Deals Closing

This week we are delighted to be listing a long established, well run practice in regional Victoria with c. $1.5 million of fees that is looking for a partial equity sale….

4th Brand New Listing in 5 Weeks, Client Rates DMY 10 out of 10

This week we are delighted to be listing a high quality one Principal practice in South East Melbourne with c. $1.36 million of fees. As with all our recent listings there will ..

A Third Brand New Listing in 3 Weeks

With 30 June fast approaching we thought we’d keep this really brief. We are delighted though to have our third new listing in three weeks. …